8 tips to move to environmentally friendly packaging

8 tips to move to environmentally friendly packaging

If you’re a brand that’s considering a switch to eco packaging, here are a few tips to make sure you get the most from the process.

1- Don’t change everything at once

Whether you’re selling 1 product or several thousand, it’s best not to commit totally to packaging sustainability before you’ve tested the concept. You can do that by sampling packaging options. 

2 – Order product samples

As just mentioned, it’s risky to commit to a new packaging solution before testing it. Consider ordering a sample pack to inspect the quality of the packaging for yourself. Once you’re convinced that this is a practical option, then order in bigger quantities.

3 – Consider a redesign

Implementing new packaging can be a double-edged sword if done at the same time as launching a new redesign of the brand.


A new logo, a new colour pallet and design assets can truly be complemented by sustainable product packaging.

4 – Adjust your pricing

Price is obviously a factor that needs to be considered. You may be surprised to know that packaging made from 80% recycled material can be had for as little as €0.26 per piece.

Once you’ve settled on a packaging option, it’s important to calculate if you can absorb the cost of packaging or whether you need to increase prices accordingly.

5 – Order small volumes

Part of testing how your brand (and customer) takes to your new packaging, is to do so in small volumes. Order as little as 30 pieces and judge the reaction of your team and customers. When everything is assured, scale up your order size!

6 – FIFO

FIFO stands for ‘First in, first out’ and it’s a method you might like to apply to your packaging. Before using your new packaging design, make sure that you’ve used up all your old packaging first.

7 – Consider eco-ing your product

Once your customers have taken well to your new packaging solution, consider bringing the concept of sustainability to your product itself. An eco-friendly product in an environmentally friendly box is a double-edged marketing sword!

8 – Flaunt your eco packaging

A brand that aligns itself for the good of the environment is something that the world wants to hear about. It’s a moral that can make your brand stand out and be seen over your competition.

Work your sustainability into your marketing campaigns and make sure that people know that you’re out there to help the environment.



Post time: Sep-24-2021